Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Important Facts About LinkedIn Ads

    3. What Should Be Our Goal?

    4. LinkedIn Ads Campaign Structure

    5. LinkedIn Ads Objectives

    1. LinkedIn Ads Metrics

    1. LinkedIn Ad Formats

    1. Navigating to LinkedIn Ads

    2. Campaign Group Settings

    3. LinkedIn Ads Creating a Campaign

    4. Ad Creation

    5. Where Do the Leads Populate?

    6. Structuring the Campaign Group (Adding More Campaigns)

    1. Adding the Insight Tag

    1. Conversation Ads

    2. Message Ads

    3. Document Ads

    4. Carousel Ads

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content


Enhance Your Marketing Career


  • Beginner Friendly

    Even if you are completely new to running ads, you will be able to understand everything.

  • Easy to Digest

    With 4 hours of learning content, you will be able to go through the whole course in one day.

  • Completely Free

    There are no upsells, no downsells... Enjoy the course and enhance your career.


We are using the famous course building structure to enhance your learning. Starting from theory, then in-platform examples and finishing with optimizations.

You Will Be Armed With a Series of Knowledge

Here are the details:

  • You'll gain a comprehensive understanding of how LinkedIn advertising works, including its targeting options, ad formats, and best practices.

  • You'll learn how to create compelling ad campaigns on LinkedIn that resonate with target audience and drive desired outcomes.

  • You will learn advanced targeting strategies to reach ideal audience on LinkedIn, including demographic targeting, job title targeting, company size targeting, and more.

  • You will learn budgeting and bidding strategies to help participants maximize the ROI of LinkedIn ad campaigns and optimize ad spend.

  • You will learn how to create attention-grabbing ad creative that stands out in the LinkedIn feed and drives engagement and conversions.

  • You will learn how to set up tracking and analytics for their LinkedIn ad campaigns to measure performance and make data-driven decisions.

  • You will learn how to capture leads directly through LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms and other tactics.

  • You will learn how to continuously optimize LinkedIn ad campaigns for better performance, including adjusting targeting, bidding, and creative elements.

  • You will learn how to develop a comprehensive LinkedIn advertising strategy tailored to business goals, target audience, and budget.

A Letter From Mark J.(39)

"Dear Jim

It was a decision made on a whim—a leap of faith into the realm of digital marketing. 

As a struggling college student, I yearned for a way to supplement my income while gaining valuable skills for the future. 

Little did I know, enrolling in your LinkedIn Ads course would be the catalyst for a transformative journey.

Armed with determination and armed with newfound knowledge, I delved into the intricacies of LinkedIn advertising. 

The course modules were comprehensive, guiding me through the nuances of campaign creation, targeting strategies, and ad optimization. 

But it wasn't until I applied these lessons in the real world that the magic truly unfolded.

Launching my first LinkedIn ad campaign felt like crossing a threshold into uncharted territory. 

With trembling hands and bated breath, I set the parameters, crafted compelling ad copy, and awaited the outcome. 

To my delight, the results exceeded my wildest expectations.

Within days, my inbox flooded with inquiries from professionals across industries, intrigued by the services I offered as a budding freelancer. 

Connections flooded in, endorsements poured forth, and my LinkedIn profile transformed into a hub of activity.

One particular inquiry stood out—a request for a partnership from a reputable company in need of digital marketing expertise. 

Drawing on the strategies gleaned from your course, I crafted a proposal that showcased my newfound skills and expertise.

To my amazement, they accepted.

What ensued was a whirlwind of success. 

The partnership flourished, culminating in a lucrative contract that not only alleviated my financial woes but also opened doors to future opportunities.

In the span of a few months, I went from a struggling student to a thriving entrepreneur, all thanks to the invaluable lessons learned in your LinkedIn Ads course. 

It wasn't just about driving leads or generating revenue—it was about unlocking my potential and carving a path towards a brighter future.

As I reflect on my journey, I'm filled with gratitude for the guidance and mentorship you provided. 

Your course was more than just a curriculum—it was a springboard to success, propelling me towards my goals and aspirations.

Thank you Jim!"

Ready to Become a LinkedIn Ads Specialist?

    1. Introduction

    2. Important Facts About LinkedIn Ads

    3. What Should Be Our Goal?

    4. LinkedIn Ads Campaign Structure

    5. LinkedIn Ads Objectives

    1. LinkedIn Ads Metrics

    1. LinkedIn Ad Formats

    1. Navigating to LinkedIn Ads

    2. Campaign Group Settings

    3. LinkedIn Ads Creating a Campaign

    4. Ad Creation

    5. Where Do the Leads Populate?

    6. Structuring the Campaign Group (Adding More Campaigns)

    1. Adding the Insight Tag

    1. Conversation Ads

    2. Message Ads

    3. Document Ads

    4. Carousel Ads

Linkedin Ads For Marketing Professionals

  • $99.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content